CODES 0.6.0 Released!

We are happy to announce the recent release of CODES version 0.6.0! This release comes after an year since the last release so there have been significant changes and additions. We are listing the major changes here (See docs/RELEASE_NOTES for full list of changes):

  • C++ models can now be built and integrated with CODES. The new dragonfly model
    has been implemented in C++.
  • CODES can now replay collective operations by using CoRTex — a library for translating collectives to point to point operations.
  • Dragonfly network model based on Cray XC topology has been added. The model can
    use the network configurations of Theta and Edison systems. Custom network
    configurations can be generated using C scripts.
  • Fat tree network model with support for adaptive and static routing has been
    added. The model can support both full and pruned fat tree configurations.
  •  Test suite has been extended — tests for DUMPI trace replay have been added.
  • MPI rendezvous protocol can now be replayed in addition to the eager protocol.
    The transition point for switching between the two protocols is configurable.
  • Background network communication using uniform random workload can now be
    generated. The traffic generation gets automatically shut off when the main workload
  • Compatible with the most recent ROSS version that has GVT/real time sampling enabled.

The release can be downloaded from

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