Who do you want to access Mira during the ESV?

So far, I’ve only heard back from 3 projects about the one or two people designated to get access to Mira during the ESV window. Please think it over and send me ([email protected]) the names of those for your project.

Here’s a snip from the email of June 4:

There will be a two-week period (called the Early Science Verification – ESV), prior to the Mira acceptance-test period, when the Early Science codes can be run on the system. Their running correctly is a prerequisite for starting the acceptance testing (assuming the problem is with the system, and not the code or input decks). The ESV is an important milestone for the Early Science Program, the ALCF, and IBM. Please be prepared to exercise your application at scale—ideally running problems comparable with your planned production runs during the Early Science period. This is also a good opportunity for you to get your first multi-rack testing on Mira done.

Our best estimate for the intended start of acceptance testing is mid August, which places the ESV in the first two weeks of August. We expect to have the login/compile servers ready for your access at least one week prior. Please prepare your codes, and plan for members of your teams to run these tests. Only 1 or 2 key people from each project will have access to Mira in this period, so please identify those people in advance.

Current estimate is that ESV will start later—second half of August or after.

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