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LANS Seminar

March 13 @ 14:30 - 15:30 CDT

Seminar Title:m Source-transform AD with Tapenade: Old an new

Speaker: Jean-Luc Bouchot, Advanced Researcher, INRIA Cote d’Azur

Date/Time: Thursday, March 13, 2025/ 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM (In-Person)
Location: See Meeting URL on the cels-seminars website which will require an Argonne login.

Description: Tapenade has been a reference tool in algorithmic differentiation by source transformation. Its usefulness and reliability have passed the test of time. In a fast evolving world, I will review some adaptations made to Tapenade and its engine and internal representation to handle some tangent differentiation of Julia codes. We will see how these changes, for instance through the point-to analysis, can be useful to old features of Tapeande: adaptation to Fortran2003 and function pointers in C. This talk will review the basics of Tapenade before discussing new and upcoming features

Bio: Jean-Luc has joined INRIA Cote d’Azur as an Advanced Researcher in 2024 after having spent 5 years in the industry working on numerical optimization for the power grid and camera calibration. Before that, he has worked in academia at various institutions worldwide (Drexel University, RWTH Aachen, Beijing Institute of Technology) developing algorithms for sparse approximation and applying these tools to the sciences (metagenomics, stochastic PDEs).

Please note that the meeting URL for this event can be seen on the cels-seminars website which requires an Argonne login.

See all upcoming talks at https://www.anl.gov/mcs/lans-seminars


March 13
14:30 - 15:30 CDT
Event Category:

