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Virtual LANS Seminar
March 31, 2021 @ 10:30 - 11:30 CDT
Seminar Title: A Privacy-Preserving Distributed Control of Optimal Power Flow
Speaker: Minseok Ryu, Postdoctoral Appointee, ANL/MCS
Date/Time: March 31, 2021 / 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: See meeting URL on the cels-seminars website (requires Argonne login)
Description: We consider a distributed optimal power flow formulated as an optimization problem that maximizes a non-differentiable concave function. Solving such a problem by the existing distributed algorithms can lead to data privacy issues because the solution information exchanged within the algorithms can be utilized by an adversary to infer the data. To preserve data privacy, in this paper we propose a differentially private projected subgradient (DP-PS) algorithm that includes a solution encryption step. We show that a sequence generated by DP-PS converges in expectation, in probability, and with probability 1. Moreover, we show that the rate of convergence in expectation is affected by a target privacy level of DP-PS chosen by the user. We conduct numerical experiments that demonstrate the convergence and data privacy preservation of DP-PS.
Please note that the meeting URL for this event can be seen on the cels-seminars website, which requires an Argonne login.