LANS Informal Seminar: Alp Dener

Alp Dener, Postdoctoral Appointee, MCS/ANL
Investigating Quasi-Newton Outer Product Representations on GPUs

LANS Informal Seminar: Barry Smith

Barry Smith, Senior Computational Mathematician, MCS/ANL
GPUs, Why They Are So Important and Why Everyone Hates Them

LANS Informal Seminar: Romit Maulik

Romit Maulik, Argonne Scholar, LCF/ANL
Machine Learned Reduced-Order Models for Advective Partial Differential Equations

LANS Informal Seminar: Scott Dawson

Scott Dawson, Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering Department, Illinois Institute of Technology
Accurate and Efficient Methods for Reduced-Complexity Modeling in Fluid Mechanics

Virtual LANS Seminar: Kevin Carlberg

Kevin Carlberg, AI Research Science Manager, Facebook
Nonlinear Model Reduction: Using Machine Learning to Enable Rapid Simulation of Extreme-Scale Physics Models