LANS Informal Seminar: Stephen Gray

Stephen Gray, Group Leader - NST/ANL, Theory and Modeling Group : Entanglement and Purcell Effects in Systems for Quantum Information and Sensing

LANS Informal Seminar: Ankush Chakrabarty, Ph. D.

Ankush Chakrabarty, Ph. D., Postdoctoral Fellow, John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University: Approximate Computing and Machine Learning for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Severe Resource Constraints

LANS Informal Seminar: Frank Giraldo

Frank Giraldo, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Naval Postgraduate School: The Galerkin Numerical Modeling Environment (GNuMe), Part I: Overview

LANS Informal Seminar: Frank Giraldo

Frank Giraldo, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Naval Postgraduate School: The Galerkin Numerical Modeling Environment (GNuMe), Part II: Numerical and High-Performance Computing Details

LANS Informal Seminar: Mirko Hahn

Mirko Hahn, Predoctoral Appointee, ANL/MCS: Adapating general-purpose mixed-integer solvers for large-scale optimal control problems

LANS Informal Seminar: Amy Wilson

Amy Wilson, Research Associate, University of Edinburgh: Statistical modelling for assessing capacity adequacy in an electricity system