LANS Informal Seminar: John Low
John Low, Principal Computational Science Specialist, ANL/CELS: Issues with metastable states in DFT+U and hybrid functionals
John Low, Principal Computational Science Specialist, ANL/CELS: Issues with metastable states in DFT+U and hybrid functionals
Soumyadip Ghosh, Research Staff Member, IBM: Efficient Sampling Methods for Stochastic Min-max Optimization
Paul Hovland, Deputy Division Director, MCS Division, ANL: Derivatives and Roundoff Errors
Julie Bessac, Postdoctoral Appointee: Statistical methods for simulation and prediction of space-time geophysical data
Jarrod McClean, Alvarez Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Hybrid quantum-classical computation for chemistry and materials
Alia Zander, Ph. D. Candidate, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University: Calculating the risks associated with ionizing radiation exposure
Julian Hall, Senior Lecturer, The University of Edinburgh: Three high performance simplex solvers
Brian Van Koten, Department of Statistics, University of Chicago: Stratified Markov chain Monte Carlo
Mary Hall, Professor, School of Computing at the University of Utah: Y-Tune: Performance Portability Using Compiler-Directed Autotuning
Kibaek Kim, Mathematics/Statistics 2, MCS/ANL: Parallal Temporal Decomposition for Improved Unit Commitment in Power System Production Cost Modeling