LANS Informal Seminar: Remigijus Paulavicius and Nikolaos Kazazakis
Remigijus Paulavicius and Nikolaos Kazazakis, Imperial College, London
Two quick talks!
Remigijus Paulavicius and Nikolaos Kazazakis, Imperial College, London
Two quick talks!
Clement Royer, PhD Candidate, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse: Probabilistic Analysis of Derivative-Free Methods
Junchao Zhang and Barry Smith, Computational Mathematicians, Argonne National Laboratory: IPM: A Post-MPI Programming Model (Part I)
Junchao Zhang and Barry Smith, Computational Mathematicians, Argonne National Laboratory: IPM: A Post-MPI Programming Model (Part II)
Liz Logan, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) at UT Austin: Cracks in glacier ice: an exploration of rheology, boundary conditions, and (ice) failure.
Kibaek Kim, Postdoctoral Appointee, MCS, Argonne National Laboratory: Scalable Mixed-Integer Programming Methods and Applications
Oana Marin, Postdoctoral Appointee, MCS, Argonne National Laboratory: Applications of the Discrete Chebyshev Transform: compression of scientific data
R. Vaidyanathan, Associate Professor, Louisiana State University: Asynchronous, Distributed Optical Mutual Exclusion
Yuji Shinano, Department of Mathematical Optimization, Zuse-Institut Berlin, Berlin, Germany: ug library : A software library for general purpose parallel branch-and-bound algorithms
Julie Bessac, Postdoctoral Appointee, MCS, Argonne National Laboratory: Stochastic simulation of predictive space-time scenarios of wind speed using observations and physical model outputs