LANS Informal Seminar: David Morton

David Morton, Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University: Nested Solutions and a Class of Bicriteria Combinatorial Optimization Problems

LANS Informal Seminar: Maggie Cheng

Maggie Cheng, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Missouri University of Science and Technology: Network fault localization and attack detection using statistical analysis

LANS Informal Seminar: Carolyn Phillips

Carolyn Phillips, Aneesur Rahman Postdoctoral Fellow, MCS, Argonne National Laboratory: Constructing one-dimensional topological singularities from a complex scalar field over a mesh

LANS Informal Seminar: Mukarram Tahir

Mukarram Tahir, Ph.D. Student, Materials Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Free Energy Analysis of Lipid Tail Protrusions from Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations

LANS Informal Seminar: Zichao (Wendy) Di

Zichao (Wendy) Di, Postdoctoral Appointee, MCS, Argonne National Laboratory: Optimization Approach for Tomographic Inversion from Multiple Data Modalities and Image Registration

LANS Informal Seminar: Jie Xu

Jie Xu, Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research, George Mason University
Towards Industrial Strength Discrete Optimization via Simulation: Multi-Fidelity Optimization and Data-Driven Robustness

LANS Informal Seminar: Noemi Petra

Noemi Petra, Assistant Professor, School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced: From data-to-predictions under uncertainty for Antarctic ice sheet flow

LANS Informal Seminar: Michael Baldea

Michael Baldea, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin: Proactive Strategies for Energy Management in Residential Buildings

LANS Informal Seminar: Jana Heckenbergerova

Jana Heckenbergerova, Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Pardubice: Prediction and Optimization of Global Systems using Mathematical and Statistical Modelling

LANS Informal Seminar: Charlotte Haley

Charlotte Haley, Postdoctoral Appointee, MCS, Argonne National Laborary: On the temporal scales of solar modulation of galactic cosmic radiation