LANS Informal Seminar: Charlotte Haley

Charlotte Haley, Postdoctoral Appointee, MCS, Argonne National Laborary: On the temporal scales of solar modulation of galactic cosmic radiation

LANS Informal Seminar: Jeremy Tempkin

Jeremy Tempkin, Graduate Student, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago: Recovering long-time correlation functions from Nonequilibrium Umbrella Sampling: Rapid prototyping of sampling algorithms in a Python-MPI interface

LANS Informal Seminar: Ermin Wei

Ermin Wei, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University: Distributed Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Multi-agent Optimization

LANS Informal Seminar: Torsten Bosse

Torsten Bosse, Wilkinson Postdoctoral Fellow, MCS, Argonne National Laboratory: ABOSO - A Blurred OneShot method for Design Optimization

LANS Informal Seminar: Qiqi Wang

Qiqi Wang, Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Towards aerospace design in the age of extreme-scale supercomputing

LANS Informal Seminar: Hong Zhang

Hong Zhang, Postdoctoral Appointee, MCS, Argonne National Laboratory: Sensitivity analysis of time-dependent simulations

LANS Informal Seminar: Daniel Pelt

Daniel Pelt, Ph.D. Student, Scientific Computing Group, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Heuristic and exact methods for the sparse matrix partitioning problem

LANS Informal Seminar: Anter El-Azab

Anter El-Azab, Professor, Materials Engineering & Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University: Computational modeling of self-organization of dislocations and mesoscale deformation of metals