LANS Informal Seminar: Jean Utke
Jean Utke, MCS: Cheaper Adjoints by Inversion
Jean Utke, MCS: Cheaper Adjoints by Inversion
Bruce Char, Drexel University: Explorations in the Characterization of Mathematical Handwriting
Robert Jacob, MCS: A Climate Modeling Primer
Mihai Anitescu, MCS: Cone complementarity problems for the simulation of nonsmooth dynamics
Dmitry Karpeev, MCS: Multiscale Approach to Self-Organization of Microtubules and Actin Filaments
Sven Leyffer, MCS: Nonmonotone Filter Methods
Jaewook Shin, MCS: SIMD Programming by Expansion
Jianbo Gao, Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville: Solving massively-distributed engineering problems using
nonlinear dynamics and multiscale techniques
Duc Nguyen, MCS: Linear Combinations of Sparse Vectors
Brian Haines, Penn State, Department of Mathematics: Effective Viscosity of Dilute Bacterial Suspensions