Quarterly Newsletter, October 2021

Project News:

New Microservices:

  • We are happy to introduce a new key/value microservice, called Yokan, to the Mochi framework. You can find more details in the Yokan documentation and Yokan GitHub repository. Yokan aims to provide state-of-the-art key/value storage capabilities on top of Margo, following the best practices of the Mochi methodology. It provides many backends, including BerkeleyDB, GDBM, LevelDB, LMDB, RocksDB, TKRZW, Unqlite, and a number of in-memory key/value stores. It was designed to be highly configurable and highly flexible, making it easy to configure databases using JSON, and to provide your own database implementation if the ones we offer don’t satisfy you. Yokan also provides C++ and Python APIs in addition to the usual C API.

Software updates:

  • Libfabric 1.13.2 has resolved multiple outstanding bugs that impacted Mochi, particularly with the RXM provider which is used on TCP and Verbs networks. Please try it out and report if you have any problems.
  • Mercury version 2.1.0rc2 is now available. This is very close to the final 2.1.0 release of Mercury and is the default version supported in the mochi-spack-packages repository. It includes a UCX network driver, improvements to the shared memory transport, new threading options, and miscellaneous bug fixes.
  • Margo version 0.9.6 has also been released; it includes support for the upcoming Mercury 2.1.0 and performance enhancements that take advantage of upcoming features in Argobots 1.2.

Platform support:

  • Please remember to refer to the Mochi platform configurations repository for suggested configurations for various platforms. We have recently updated several example Spack environment files. Feel free to contribute more!

Contribution policy:

  • The Mochi Contributor License Agreement (CLA) has been updated to streamline the process of contributing source code to the project. We have also installed GitHub action that will automatically prompt you to digitally agree to the CLA terms when you open your first pull request. Let us know if you have any questions.

New/Upcoming Publications:

  • Srinivasan Ramesh, Robert Ross, Matthieu Dorier, Allen Malony, Philip Carns and Kevin Huck. SYMBIOMON: A High Performance, Composable Monitoring Service. TO APPEAR in the 28th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, & Analytics (HiPC 2021)