If you are using a system with an OmniPath (PSM2) network fabric, then be aware that we are also chasing a performance regression there that can occur with multithreaded access (https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/sds/margo/-/issues/67)
Possibly a problem with libpsm2 fairness with multithreaded access, but not confirmed
All of the ANL-hosted git repositories (https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/sds/) will be moving within the next few months. We will communicate when that happens.
There are no changes to policy or access (in fact, access will likely change for the better); it’s just that the xgitlab.cels instance that we are using is being decommissioned
We are working on landing a Spack PR (https://github.com/spack/spack/pull/20273) that will introduce a “mochi-margo” package, maintained by us, to replace the out-of-date “margo” package
Once this is done, we will likely start upstreaming more packages that depend on margo-mochi
Mochi service development news:
Work continues on a new component called “Bedrock” that can be used to more easily bootstrap microservice compositions (https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/sds/bedrock).
Bedrock is already available, and we are in the process of updating existing services to use it.
You can think of bedrock as a general-purpose Mochi daemon that takes a JSON configuration file describing how to spin up embedded microservices
We are actively working on performance tuning of “Benvolio”, which you can think of as a runtime I/O delegation service (i.e. that provides a more generic version of MPI-IO aggregation capabilities). https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/sds/benvolio
Upcoming training events:
We plan to host a BoF session at this year’s (virtual) ECP annual meeting in mid-April, with a mechanism for people to sign up for one on one sessions for more detailed interaction. (https://ecpannualmeeting.com/)
Please let us know what other kinds of outreach/training you are interested in this year.