Sunday, November 13, 2016
Solving and Sharing the Puzzle: Modeling and Simulation of Computer Architectures with SST and OCCAM
8:30AM – 12:00PM, Room 250-F
Presenters: Bruce Childers, Luis Oliveira, Arun Rodrigues
Parallel Programming in Modern Fortran
8:30AM – 5:00PM, Room 250-B
Presenters: Karla Morris, Damian Rouson, Salvatore Filippone, Fernanda S. Foertter
Kokkos: Enabling Manycore Performance Portability for C++ Applications
8:30AM – 5:00PM, Room 250-E
Presenters: H. Carter Edwards, Jeff Amelang, Christian Trott
9:00AM – 5:30PM, Room 155-A
Organizers: Ryan E. Grant, Patrick G. Bridges, Anthony Skjellum, Purushotham V. Bangalore, Ronald B. Brightwell, Pavan Balaji, Masamichi Takagi
The 7th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS16)
9:00AM – 5:30PM, Room 155-B
Organizers: Simon D. Hammond, Stephen A. Jarvis, Steven Wright
Seventh Annual Workshop for the Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (EE HPC WG)
9:00AM – 5:30PM, Room 155-C
Organizers: Michael Patterson, Torsten Wilde, Natalie Bates, Stephen Poole, Daniel Hackenberg, Thomas Durbin, Steve Martin, Dale Sartor, Anna Maria Bailey, Ramkumar Nagappan, Nicolas Dube, Andres Marquez, David Grant, Josip Loncaric, James Laros, David J. Martinez, Susan Coghlan, James H. Rogers, Toshio Endo, Fumiyoshi Shoji, Francois Robin, Caleb Phillips
Panel: Coming Out on Behalf of Diversity
10:30AM – 12:00pM, Room 260
Presenters: Raquell Holmes (Chair),Jamika Burge, Jeanine Cook, Rebecca Hartman-Baker
Monday, November 14, 2016
Large Scale Visualization with ParaView
8:30AM – 5:00PM, Room 250-D
Presenters: Kenneth Moreland, W. Alan Scott, David E. DeMarle, Joe Insley, Jonathan Woodring, John Patchett
Linear Algebra Libraries for High-Performance Computing: Scientific Computing with Multicore and Accelerators
8:30AM – 5:00PM, Room 250-E
Presenters: Jack Dongarra, Jakub Kurzak, Michael Heroux, James Demmel
How to Analyze the Performance of Parallel Codes 101
8:30AM – 5:00PM, Room 255-E
Presenters: Martin Schulz, Jim Galarowicz, Don Maghrak, Jennifer Green, David Montoya,, Doug Pase
Testing of HPC Scientific Software
1:30PM – 5:00PM, Room 255-B
Presenters: Anshu Dubey, Alicia Klinvex
(Early Career Program) Time Management
9:15AM – 10:00M, Room 251-D
Presenters: Liz Jessup, Michael A. Heroux
The 1st International Workshop on Post-Moore Era Supercomputing (PMES)
9:00AM – 5:30PM, Room 155-B
Organizers: Jeffrey S. Vetter, Koji Inoue, Takeshi Iwashita, Franz Franchetti, John Shalf, Kengo Nakajima, Richard Vuduc, Keren Bergman, Tom Conte, Gerhard Wellein, Erik P. DeBenedictis
PyHPC2015: 6th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing
9:00AM – 5:30PM, Room 155-E
Organizers:: Andreas Schreiber, William Scullin, Bill Spotz, Andy R. Terrel
PAW: PGAS Applications Workshop
2:00PM – 5:30PM, Room 251-B
Organizers: Karla Morris, Katherine A. Yelick, Yili Zheng, Salvatore Filippone, Bill Long, Bradford L. Chamberlain
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Emerging Technologies
The Path to Embedded Exascale
10:00AM – 6:00PM, Room 155-B
Contributors: Kurt Keville, Anthony Skjellum, Mitch Williams
Increasing Molecular Dynamics Simulation Rates with an 8-Fold Increase in Electrical Power Efficiency
11:00AM – 11:30AM, Room 355-D
Authors: W. Michael Brown (presenting), Andrey Semin (presenting), Michael Hebenstreit (presenting), Sergey Khvostov, Karthik Ramon (presenting), Steven J. Plimpton
Flexfly: Enabling a Reconfigurable Dragonfly Through Silicon Photonics
11:30AM – 12:00PM, Room 355-BC
Authors: Ke Wen (presenting), Payman Samadi, Sebastien Rumley, Christine P. Chen, Yiwen Shen, Meisam Bahadori, Jeremiah Wilke, Keren Bergman
Improving Application Resilience to Memory Errors with Lightweight Compression
4:00PM – 4:30PM, Room 355-D
Authors: Scott Levy (presenting), Kurt B. Ferreira, Patrick G. Bridges
Different Architectures, Different Times: Reproducibility and Repeatability in High Performance Computing
10:30AM – 12:00PM, Room 255-BC
Panelists: Miriam Leeser (Moderator), Allison Baker, Lorena Barba, James Demmel, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Michael Heroux, Walid Keyrouz, Jos Martin
Energy Efficiency Considerations and HPC Procurement
5:15PM – 7:00PM, Room 255-BC
Session Leaders: Natalie Bates (Primary), Ladina Gilly, James Laros, James Rogers, Anna Marie Bailey, Daniel Hackenberg, Marek Michalewicsz, Bilel Hadri, Thomas Ilsche
Poster Reception
- Hobbes Node Virtualization Layer: System Software Infrastructure for Application Composition and Performance Isolation
5:15PM – 7:00PM, Lower Lobby Concourse, Exhibit Hall E – Booth 104
Authors: Noah Evans,, Brian Kocoloski, John R. Lange, Kevin Pedretti, Shyamali Mukherjee, Ron Brightwell, Patrick G. Bridges
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Award Presentations
IEEE-CS Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award
Why and Whither Supercomputing?
8:30AM – 9:00AM, Ballroom-EFGHIJ
Recipient: William J. Camp
Featured Presentation
Kokkos: Performance Portability and Productivity for C++ Applications
10:45AM – 11:30AM, SC16 Exhibit Hall, Department of Energy booth #1030
Presenter: H. Carter Edwards
Understanding Performance Interference in Next-Generation HPC Systems
10:30AM – 11:00AM, Room 355-BC
Authors: Oscar H. Mondragon (presenting), Patrick G. Bridges, Kurt B. Ferreira, Scott Levy, Patrick Widener
DAOS and Friends: A Proposal for an Exascale Storage System
2:30PM – 3:00PM, Room 355-BC
Authors: Jay Lofstead (presenting), Ivo Jimenez, Carlos Maltzahn, Quincey Koziol, John Gent, Eric Barton
Post Moore’s Era Supercomputing in 20 Years
1:30PM – 3:00PM, Room 255-BC
Panelists: Jeffrey S. Vetter (Moderator), Keren Bergman, Tom Conte, Erik DeBenedictis, Satoshi Matsuoka, John Shalf, George Michelogiannakis, Jun Sawada, Matthias Troyer
HPCG Benchmark Update
5:15PM – 7:00PM, Room 355-E
Session Leaders: Mike Heroux (Primary), Jack Dongarra, Piotr Luszczek
Monitoring Large-Scale HPC Systems: Understanding, Diagnosis, and Attribution of Performance Variation and Issues
5:15PM – 7:00PM, Room 155-F
Session Leaders: Ann Gentile, Jim Brandt, Hans-Christian Hoppe, Mike Mason, Mark Parsons, Marie-Christine Sawley, Mike Showerman
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Invited Talks
Parallel Multiway Methods for Compression of Massive Data and Other Applications
2:15PM – 3:00PM, Ballroom-EFGHIJ
Presenter: Tamara G Kolda
Emerging Realities and New Protocols for Power Distribution: High Voltage and DC
10:30AM – 12:00PM, Room 255-BC
Panelists: Anna Maria Bailey (Moderator), Jack Pouchet, Dan Stanzione, David Martinez, Michael K. Patterson, Keiichi Hirose
Virtualization, Partitioning, Cohabitation, Containers, Something Else? Approaches to Integrating HPC and Big Data Applications
1:30PM – 3:00PM, Room 255-BC
Panelists: Ronald G. Minnich (Moderator), Ron Brightwell, Rolf Riesen, Joefon Jann, Barret Rhoden, Kamil Iskra, Balazs Gerofi, Hermann Haertig, Shane Canon
Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering on Supercomputers
10:30AM – 12:00PM, Room 155-A
Session Leaders: David Bernholdt (Primary), Mike Heroux, Neil Chue Hong, Daniel Katz, James Lin, Kengo Nakajima
The Virtual Institute for I/O and the IO-500 List
12:15PM – 1:15PM, Room 250-D
Session Leaders: Julian Kunkel (Primary), Jay Lofstead, John Bent
Friday, November 18, 2016
Data Analytics Support for HPC System Management
10:30AM – 12:00PM, Room 255-BC
Panelists: Abani Patra (Moderator), Matthew Ezell, William Scullin, Michael Showerman, Thomas Furlani, William Barth, James Brandt
Runtime Systems for Extreme Scale Programming Models and Architectures (RESPA)
9:30AM – 12:00PM, Room 155-A
Organizers: Vivek Sarkar, Siegfried Benkner, Ron Brightwell, Patrick S. McCormick