National Labs are transforming the world through high performance computing

Cutting-edge techniques and world-leading scientific capabilities from the Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories will be showcased at a conference exhibition at SC16, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, to be held November 13-18 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Computational scientists from Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and other national labs were among those who launched the initial conference in 1988, and this year, 17 national laboratories will once again have a strong presence, sharing a booth featuring presentations, simulations, demonstrations and roundtable discussions.

The theme of SC16 is “HPC Matters,” evidence of which will be on display from the national labs. Some of the foremost supercomputing centers for open scientific research are operated by the DOE Office of Science national laboratories: the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and the Argonne and Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facilities. The National Nuclear Security Administration labs – Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories – have consistently deployed leading edge, world-leading systems to meet mission needs. DOE’s Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) connects 40 DOE sites with collaborators around the world with reliable, high-bandwidth networking.

Complementing these centers, many of the DOE national laboratories have active research programs in applied mathematics, scientific application development, computer science, and energy efficient computing.

Together, the labs are presenting their accomplishments in booth 1030 under the theme “DOE HPC Leading the Way.” A full list of booth talks, research posters, discussions and demonstrations can be found at Attendees can follow the booth on Twitter at @NatLabsHPC.

The booth will host a program featuring presentations by HPC experts, including:

Kerstin Kleese Van Damm, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Fred Streitz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Paul Messina, Argonne National Laboratory
Doug Kothe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
James Ang, Sandia National Laboratories
Jack Wells, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ann Almgren, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Kevin Barker, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Inder Monga, ESnet/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
H. Carter Edwards, Sandia National Laboratories
Brian Van Essen, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories
Stephen Lee, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Rajeev Thakur, Sandia National Laboratories
Terri Quinn, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Tim Germann, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory
Scott Pakin, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jay Jay Billings, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jim Kowalkowski, Fermilab

A demo station at the booth will feature interactive programs, including:

“Optimizing HPC Platforms, Applications and Resources with PerfMiner,” Philip Mucci, Minimal Metrics/ Sandia National Laboratories
“TAU Performance System,” Sameer Shende, University of Oregon
“BEAM: An HPC Pipeline for Nanoscale Materials Analysis and Neutron Data Modeling,” Eric Lingerfelt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
“Using Jupyter for Interactive Data Analytics on Cori at NERSC,” Rollin Thomas, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
“Explore Molecules in Virtual Reality,” Nick Cramer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
“Shifter – Containers for HPC,” Shane Canon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
“Parallware Trainer: LLVM-based software for training and guided paralleization,” Manuel Arenaz, Apprenta/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
“Slycat™ Ensemble Analysis and Visualization, Patricia Crossno, Sandia National Laboratories
“Real-time Scientific Data Streaming Using ADIOS+mdtmFTP,” Wenji Wu, Fermilab
“High performance file transfer for next generation science experiments,” Les Cottrell, SLAC
“Advance Reservation Access Control using Software-defined Networking and Tokens,” Joaquin Chung, Georgia Tech/Argonne National Laboratory
“Can Spark and HPC help find dark matter,” Saba Sehrish, Fermilab
“Kokkos: Performance portability and productivity for C++ applications,” H. Carter Edwards, Sandia National Laboratories
“ALCF Theta Early Science Program: Science on Day One,” Ramesh Balakrishnan and Tim Williams, Argonne National Laboratory
“ParaView and big data,” W. Alan Scott, Sandia National Laboratories
“Bringing physics data analytics software infrastructure to exascale,” Jim Brandt, Sandia National Laboratories
“InDI: Intent-based User-defined Service Deployment over Multi-Domain SDN applications.” Mariam Kiran, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
“BigPanDA@Titan,” Alexei Klimentov, Brookhaven National Laboratory
“Automated Discovery in Emulytics,” David Fritz, Sandia National Laboratories

The DOE Office of Science will be represented by Ames, Argonne, Brookhaven, Lawrence Berkeley, Oak Ridge and Pacific Northwest national laboratories, Fermi and SLAC national accelerator laboratories; Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; and Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The National Nuclear Security Administration will be represented by Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories. The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will be represented by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; the Office of Environmental Management by Savannah River National Laboratory and the Office of Nuclear Energy by Idaho National Laboratory.

Computational Science Expertise at Department of Energy National Labs on Display at SC16