
K. Yoshii, H. Naik, C. Yu, and P. Beckman, Extending and Benchmarking the Big
Memory Implementation on Blue Gene/P Linux,
In “Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers” (ROSS’11), Tucson, AZ, May 2011, pp. 65-72. [Publisher Website] [Download (PDF)]

K. Yoshii, K. Iskra, H. Naik, P. Beckman, and P. C. Broekema, Performance and Scalability Evaluation of Big Memory on Blue Gene Linux, “International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,” vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 148-160, 2011. [Publisher Website] [Download (PDF) (preprint)]

V. Vishwanath, M. Hereld, K. Iskra, D. Kimpe, V. Morozov, M. E. Papka, R. Ross, and K. Yoshii, Accelerating I/O Forwarding in IBM Blue Gene/P Systems, In “Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis” (SC’10), New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2010. [Publisher Website] [Download (PDF)]

K. Yoshii, K. Iskra, P. C. Broekema, H. Naik, and P. Beckman, Characterizing the Performance of Big Memory on Blue Gene Linux, In “Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing” (P2S2’09), Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2009, pp. 65-72. [Publisher Website] [Download (PDF)]

K. Iskra, J. W. Romein, K. Yoshii, and P. Beckman, ZOID: I/O-Forwarding Infrastructure for Petascale Architectures, In “Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming” (PPoPP’08), Salt Lake City, UT, Feb. 2008, pp. 153-162. [Publisher Website] [Download (PDF)]

P. Beckman, K. Iskra, K. Yoshii, S. Coghlan, and A. Nataraj, Benchmarking the Effects of Operating System Interference on Extreme-Scale Parallel Machines, “Cluster Computing,” vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 3-16, 2008. [Publisher Website] [Download (PDF) (preprint)]

P. Beckman, K. Iskra, K. Yoshii, and S. Coghlan, The Influence of Operating Systems on the Performance of Collective Operations at Extreme Scale, In “Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing” (CLUSTER’06), Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2006. [Publisher Website] [Download (PDF)]

P. Beckman, K. Iskra, K. Yoshii, and S. Coghlan, Operating System Issues for Petascale Systems, “ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review,” vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 29-33, 2006. [Publisher Website] [Download (PDF)]