Darshan 2.1.1 Release

This release includes performance and bug fixes.  It also includes a new utility to convert Darshan log files, while also optionally anonymizing them or re-compressing them in bzip2 format.

  • new darshan-convert command line utility for converting existing log files, with optional anonymization and optional bzip2 compression
  • bzip2 support in command line utilities (but not in the darshan library itself)
  • updated log file format that allows for string key/value pairs to be stored in the header
  • added ability to set MPI-IO hints when writing darshan log
    • at configure time: –with-log-hints
    • at run time: DARSHAN_LOGHINTS environment variable
  • bug fix contributed by Sandra Schröder: use case-insensitive search for MPI symbols in Fortran wrapper script
  • performance bug fix: remove unecessary call to MPI_File_set_size when writing log
  • added –with-logpath-by-env configure option to allow absolute log path to be specified via environment variable