Darshan 2.2.2 release

Darshan 2.2.2 is now available on the download page.  Change log:

  • bug fixes:
    • remove debugging message that was inadvertently included in MPI_File_sync() wrapper
    • fix potential hang if the –with-log-path-by-env argument was used at configure time but the environment variable was not set at run time
  • significant improvements to how counters are handled in multi-threaded applications
  • initial (rough) documentation for using Darshan in Cray programming environments with static linking
  • bug fixes:
    • escape special characters in mount point paths in darshan-job-summary.pl (reported by Mouhamed Gueye)
    • workarounds for various runtime problems with cuserid() and stat() in Cray environments
    • build problems with darshan-utils on some versions of OSX
    • accurate shared file statistics for libraries that use deferred opens