Darshan 3.0.0, the new modularized implementation of Darshan, is now officially ready to be released! This is the first stable release of the Darshan 3.0 fork and builds off the experimental pre-releases we have been providing over the last few months. We encourage users to consider upgrading to this version in the near future as it contains numerous enhancements over older versions: logging of full file paths, clearer parser and job summary output, addition of a BG/Q specific instrumentation module, future proofing for any upcoming instrumentation modules, etc.
The following changes have been made between this official release and the last pre-release (darshan-3.0.0-pre3):
- fix bug causing compile errors when building external utilities that use the darshan-util API/library
- update docs to give debugging tips for cases where Darshan logs are not generated
- update darshan-runtime docs to give information on upgrading Darshan
- fix shared library regression test script to check for potential errors with Darshan symbols rather than failing silently in these cases
- bug fix for determining minimum non-zero counters in shared file reductions in all modules
- loosen Darshan’s PMPI symbol check to prevent inadvertent disabling of Darshan for some MPICH builds
- bug fix for resolving MPI_Gather and MPI_Barrier when LDPRELOADing Darshan’s shared libraries
- add more helpful error handling when opening 2.x version log files
- port darshan-diff utility over to new 3.0.0 log file format
- fix numerous configure bugs on Cray systems
- add synthetic benchmarking hooks for testing Darshan’s shutdown procedure
We have tested this version extensively on a number of platforms over the last few months and are satisfied with the new features and Darshan’s overall performance. Included in the darshan-runtime documentation (a link is provided below) is some information on how to best upgrade from a Darshan 2.x version to Darshan 3.0.0. As always, please let us know if you have any issues or questions (using either the Darshan users mailing list or by opening an issue on the Darshan GitLab page).
The release tarball can be downloaded HERE.
Documentation for this version of Darshan can be found HERE.