Mira access added; usage announcement mailed out

Those of you who responded to the email asking for new ESP users that need to get access to Mira for Early Science runs on the accepted 24 racks of the machine: you should all now have access to Mira (and Vesta), except possibly those just now getting an ALCF account for the first time (you have additional application procedures to do, for which you should’ve received instructions).

Today I sent out an email to mira-early-users with some details about using Mira between now and the start of the 48-rack acceptance testing (around mid November). For those of you in the Early Science Program projects, you can now run jobs up to 16 racks in the “ESP” queue. For 24 racks and higher, you will land in the “ESP-bigrun” queue, which will be manually managed. This should mainly be for scaling tests, not scientific runs, since when you run on 24 racks and higher you’ll be using some of the unaccepted Mira nodes, and can’t expect reliability as you get on the 24 accepted racks (where all your jobs of 16 racks and less will run).

Remember that on BG/Q, 1 rack is 1024 nodes (same as BG/P), but is 16K cores (as opposed to 4K cores on BG/P).

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