Monthly Archives: January 2013

Please test your codes with new system driver on Vesta

This coming Monday and Tuesday (4-5 Feb. 2013), Vesta will be down for extended maintenance, to install the latest BG/Q system driver from IBM (V1R2M0). Eventually, this driver version will be installed on Mira. Please help ALCF and yourselves by building and testing your Early Science codes on Vesta after the upgrade, if you can. Let us know if something breaks.

Cetus Down

There will be an official notice going out soon, but be aware that Cetus is down and will be down for a number of days. This is related to the Vesta downtime—the BG/Q rack that’s currently designated as Cetus is being combined with Vesta to make Vesta a 2-rack system. We have a new rack that will be designated as Cetus. My best estimate is 5 days of downtime for Cetus (yesterday’s notice to vesta-notify and mira-notify lists estimated 5 days downtime for Vesta).