Early Science on Mira is on; time allocations in place

The Early Science period is officially underway. Mira came back online after acceptance testing on the evening of Monday 17 December. After an initial glitch in setting up the computer time allocations for the ESP projects, the correct allocations are now in place. These are what you were awarded as target allocation when your project was selected for the ESP. On Mira, the command

        cbank-list-allocations -u yourUserName -r mira

will show you the amout and usage of your allocation.

Our one-rack test and development machine, Cetus (cetus.alcf.anl.gov) is now also available to ESP users.

The Early Science period should last through mid-March. When there is concrete information about the exact transition date, I’ll send out an email with the date and information about how the transition to production usage will impact the Early Science projects. You should have used up your ESP project allocations by then.

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