ESP Postdocs

As you probably know, the Early Science Program has funding to hire postdocs—about 15 in total. We are soliciting your help in recommending candidates for these postdoctoral appointments. The postdocs will be employed and supervised by the ALCF, and will sit here at Argonne, but it is expected that they may travel to home institutions of ESP project investigators for in-depth collaboration and mentoring. Project PIs or other senior participants are expected to mentor the postdoc working on the project, especially in the scientific research area and numerical methods of the project. The postdocs should be participants in analyzing and publishing results of the calculations run on Mira in the Early Science period. ALCF staff will mentor postdocs on code development, performance evaluation, and optimization for Blue Gene/Q. In supervising postdocs, the ALCF will ensure that the postdocs meet the goals of the Early Science Program, the specific project goals, and the postdocs’ career development goals.

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