All posts by Cerny, Beth A.

Update on Workshop and Early Access System

Because of difficulties surrounding scheduling, nondisclosure information management, and participation by IBM, we have decided not to hold the next Early Science Program workshop this summer. Instead, we will look toward scheduling a workshop later this year, or in 2012.

Currently, we are finalizing plans for the early access system and we expect we will schedule a telecon with the Early Science teams this summer. Given the timing, it might be useful to target a workshop once the teams have some results.

Scheduling the next Early Science workshop

The ALCF would like to host a second workshop for the Early Science program participants. The format this time should be a more detailed presentation and exchange of information—a focused presentation or two on topics like hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming, and presentation of performance studies and project experiences to date (based on Blue Gene/P efforts and early Q hardware tests). I’m looking for feedback now about scheduling from project investigators and participants. Would early-to-mid June work with your schedules? Please feel free to post comments here, or email directly to [email protected] . This will likely be repeated soon in an email to the PIs and co-PIs.

ESP Postdoc Job Posting

Please refer any candidates for ESP postdoc appointments to the ANL jobs website to apply:

There is a longer description on the ALCF web site:

If you are interested in advertising the position for your ESP project in some appropriate venue for your science area, please let me know via an email [email protected] .

Any Additional Institutions Needing AECI Agreement with IBM?

I am compiling a final list of institutions participating in the Early Science projects that do not yet have a signed AECI agreement with IBM (nondisclosure agreement enabling people at the institution to access confidential IBM Blue Gene/Q information.) Here are the remaining institutions in need of agreements that I know of. If your institution is not on this list and you intend to participate in one of the ESP projects, please let me know by emailing [email protected] .

  • University of Virginia
  • University of Utah
  • MIT
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Jefferson Lab
  • Columbia University

Thanks for attending the Kick-Off Workshop

The Kick-Off Workshop happened this week, Monday-Tuesday at the Argonne TCS Conference Center. Thanks to all who attended, presented, and gave us feedback about the workshop. Thanks to the IBM participants, whose presentations were highlights of the workshop, and thanks also to IBM for co-sponsoring Monday’s reception.

We are in discussion with IBM about having them email out encrypted PDFs of the IBM confidential presentations to workshop attendees. The slides from the project presentations are now hyperlinked to the agenda on the workshop website, http:// . Other presentations without confidential information will be linked in as well.

One discussion point at the workshop was how to manage collaboration with project members at our own institutions, given that the AECI (nondisclosure) agreements are between IBM and the institution. Most likely this will be managed using a “working-group” structure. I’ll report when that’s been worked out (probably including an email to project investigators).

Remodeled ESP website

The Early Science web pages have been integrated better with the rest of the ALCF website. From the ALCF page (, the “Research Collaborations” pull-down menu entry “Early Science Program” brings up the new ESP main page. Individual ESP project descriptions have been moved out into individual web pages, consistent with our INCITE and ALCC project pages.

The convenience URL that many of us have been using to get to the ESP website now points to the new main ESP page.

No more new institutions can get AECI agreements pre-Workshop

If you are thinking about registering for the Early Science Program Kick-Off Workshop, please note that if your institution does not already have an AECI agreement signed with IBM (or is one of a few institutions with agreements in progress), there will not be time to get this done before the Workshop, so you will not be able to attend. If you want to inquire about whether your institution is covered by or in the process of signing an agreement, email [email protected] . (AECI is the acronym for IBM’s flavor of nondisclosure agreement.)

If you are not planning to attend the Workshop, but do intend to work on one of the Early Science Program projects, please notify [email protected], indicating your institution (university/lab/company where you work). We need to get IBM a complete list of institutions requesting AECI agreements for ESP work as soon as possible. The number is already getting large; at some point we’ll have to close the door and not accept any additional new institutions. If you’ve already let us know about your institution via email or registering for the Workshop, you don’t need to send anything further.

Please register for Workshop or let us know of intent (for NDA)

It’s important that you register for the upcoming Kick-Off Workshop, if you plan to attend. If you think you may attend, but don’t want to register yet, send email to [email protected] to let us know. (If you’ve already let us know of your intent, you don’t need to send another mail.) Most importantly, we need to know your home institution, so we know which institutions will need a nondisclosure agreement. Please also compare your citizenship with the lists in the earlier post on export control, to make sure you won’t have a problem attending because of that.