LANS Seminar

Seminar Title: Parametric Sensitivity of Ocean Modeling through Neural Surrogates Speaker: Yixuan Sun is a postdoctoral appointee at the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) division at Argonne National Laboratory Date/Time: Thursday, February 27, 2025/ 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM (In-Person) … Continue reading

LANS Seminar

Seminar Title:m Source-transform AD with Tapenade: Old an new Speaker: Jean-Luc Bouchot, Advanced Researcher, INRIA Cote d'Azur Date/Time: Thursday, March 13, 2025/ 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM (In-Person) Location: See Meeting URL on the cels-seminars website which will require an Argonne … Continue reading