The International Conference on Continuous Optimization was held from July 27 to August 1 in Lisbon, Portugal. M2ACS was well represented at the meeting with Mihai Anitescu (Applications of Continuous Optimization in Science and Engineering) and Todd S. Munson (Complementarity and Variational Inequalities) serving as cluster co-chairs for the meeting. Michael Ferris gave a plenary presentation on “Multiple Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints”. Other presentations from M2ACS members were given at the meeting by:
- Mihai Anitescu: Scalable Dynamic Optimization. Also organized the application track and 3 mini-symposia with Victor Zavala.
- Sven Leyffer: New Augmented Lagrangian Filter Methods, Also organized 4 mini-symposia on dynamic optimization problems with equilibrium constraints and PDE constrained optimization.
- Todd S. Munson: Lemke’s Method for Strictly Positive Linear Complementarity Problems. Also organized the complementarity and variational inequalities track.