Emilie Hogan attended the Joint Mathematics meetings in January 2013 and presented a talk titled “Applications of Graphs and Partial Orders at PNNL”. The talk mentioned the M2ACS project and the work that Mahantesh Halappanavar and Emilie Hogan are doing. The presentation was in the SIAM Minisymposium on Applied, Computational, and Discrete Mathematics at National Laboratories and Federal Research Agencies. The abstract is:
At Pacific Northwest National Laboratory I am studying knowledge systems (ontologies) for information discovery, observing computer networks to detect intruders and measure a level of risk for an attack, and modeling the power grid to aid engineers in predicting how it will evolve. In this talk I will describe the important role that discrete structures like graphs and partial orders play in each of these application areas. I will discuss how we are modeling the structures of interest, searching for certain types of substructures, and measuring distances within the structures.