SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering (CS&E) held at the Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts between Feb 25 and March 1 catalysts collaboration and interaction among applied mathematicians, computer scientists, domain scientists and engineers in those areas of research related to the theory, development, and use of computational technologies for the solution of important problems in science and engineering.
M2ACS sponsors a three-session mini-symposium at CS&E under the theme
“Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Complex Energy Systems“.
The production, distribution, storage, and use of energy is undergoing significant changes. Demand and production patterns are being radically altered by the advent of “smart grids,” renewable generation, and storage technologies, and by new regulatory constraints, resulting in energy systems with sharply increased complexity that need to be modeled, simulated, and optimized. In these sessions we focus on the latest mathematics and scalable algorithms for the simulation and optimization of real-world, stochastic energy systems and the large-scale network properties of them.
Session I: Dynamic Simulation
- Victor Zavala, ANL Scalable dynamic optimization
- Shri Abhyshr, ANL Using PETSc for accelerating research on real-time power grid dynamics simulation
- Zhenyu Huang, PNNL Exploitation of phasor measurement information in power system dynamics
- Michael Wetter, LBNL Next generation modeling and simulation of building energy and control systems
Session II: Stochastic Optimization
- Cosmin Petra, ANL Scalable stochastic optimization for power grid systems
- Dan Bienstock, Columbia Data analysis of cascading power system failures
- Dzung Phan, IBM A two-stage stochastic optimization for optimal power flow under generation uncertainty
- Jean-Paul Watson, SNL Scalable, parallel stochastic unit commitment for day-ahead and reliability operations
Session III: Graph Theory
- Mahantesh Halappanavar, PNNL Graph-based approaches for N-x contingency analysis of electric power grids
- Michael Chertkov, LANL Why we need better modeling and computation for power systems
- Paul Hines, UVM Random chemistry and dual Graphs: Two ways to understand cascading failures in power grids
- Bernard Lesieutre, UWM The role of grid topology in secure power system optimization problems
Other M2ACS members that presented at SIAM CSE are:
- Emil Constantinescu, ANL, High Order Partitioned Time Stepping Methods for Stiff Problems