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[20] Youngseok Kim, Peter Carbonetto, Matthew Stephens, and Mihai Anitescu. “A Fast Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixture Proportions Using Sequential Quadratic Programming”. In: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (2019). To appear; also arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.01412.
[21] C.-p. Lee and S. J. Wright. “Inexact successive quadratic approximation for regularized optimization”. In: Computational Optimization and Applications 72 (2019), pp. 641–674.
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[23] Ching-Pei Lee and Stephen Wright. “First-Order Algorithms Converge Faster than O(1/k) on Convex Problems”. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning. Ed. by Kamalika Chaudhuri and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. Vol. 97. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. Long Beach, California, USA: PMLR, Sept. 2019, pp. 3754–3762.
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[27] Cosmin G. Petra. “A memory-distributed quasi-Newton solver for nonlinear programming problems with a small number of general constraints”. In: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 133 (2019), pp. 337–348. issn: 0743-7315. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2018.10.009.
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[29] Cosmin G. Petra and Florian A. Potra. “A homogeneous model for monotone mixed horizontal linear complementarity problems”. In: Computational Optimization and Applications 72.1 (Jan. 2019), pp. 241–267. issn: 1573-2894. doi: 10.1007/s10589-018-0035-x.
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[36] Vishwas Rao, Kibaek Kim, Michel Schanen, Daniel A. Maldonado, Cosmin G. Petra, and Mihai Anitescu. “A Multiperiod Optimization-Based Metric of Grid Resilience”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2019. 2019.
[37] C. W. Royer, Michael O’Neill, and Stephen J. Wright. “A Newton-CG algorithm with complexity guarantees for smooth unconstrained optimization”. In: Mathematical Programming (2019). doi: 10.1007/s10107-019-01362-7.
[38] Michel Schanen, Daniel Adrian Maldonado, and Mihai Anitescu. “A Framework for Distributed Approximation of Moments with Higher-Order Derivatives Through Automatic Differentiation”. In: International Conference on Computational Science. Springer. 2019, pp. 251–260.
[39] Alexandre Tartakovsky and Ramakrishna Tipireddy. “Physics-informed Machine Learning Method for Forecasting and Uncertainty Quantification of Partially Observed and Unobserved States in Power Grids”. In: Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2019.
[40] Shaobu Wang and Zhenyu Huang. “An alternative approach for MLE calculation in non-linear continuous dynamic systems”. In: Nonlinear Dynamics 95.3 (Feb. 2019), pp. 2591 – 2603.
[41] Stephen J. Wright. “Efficient Convex Optimization for Linear MPC”. In: Handbook of Model Predictive Control. Ed. by Saˇsa V. Rakovi´c and William S. Levine. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 287–303.
[42] Wanting Xu and Mihai Anitescu. “Exponentially Convergent Receding Horizon Strategy For Constrained Optimal Control”. In: Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (2019). to appear.
[43] F. Zeng, I. Turner, K. Burrage, and S. J. Wright. “A discrete least squares collocation method for two- dimensional nonlinear time-fractional partial differential equations”. In: Journal of Computational Physics 394 (2019), pp. 177–199.
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[47] Xiu Yang, David Barajas-Solano, Guzel Tartakovsky, and Alexandre M. Tartakovsky. “Physics-informed CoKriging: A Gaussian-process-regression-based multidelity method for data-model convergence“. In: Journal of Computational Physics 395 (2019), pp. 410 – 431.
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