In lieu of our usual software update this quarter, we would instead like to invite the community to join us for the July 28 quarterly meeting to discuss ideas for how to improve the process of bootstrapping, testing, and validating Mochi software environments. This process is more ad-hoc than we would like for it to be right now; anything we can do to formalize and streamline would be a big help in the long run.
If you have any suggestions or comments to share (on this topic or anything else Mochi-related) please connect to the following meeting on Thursday, July 28, at 10:00am CT:
Mochi Quarterly meeting
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 630-556-7958,,254649841# United States, Big Rock
Phone Conference ID: 254 649 841#
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Please join our mailing list (see link on the right side of this web site) if you would like to suggest agenda items in advance.