Call for Papers

June 14-16, 2017:  Conference, Chicago, USA

Sponsored by ACM/SIGARCH
ICS is the premier international forum for the presentation of research results in high-performance computing. The 2017 conference will be held in Chicago, United States.
Papers are solicited on all aspects of research, development, and application of high-performance computing systems, including but not limited to the following:

  • Computer architecture and hardware, including multicore, manycore and multiprocessor systems from small to very large scales, components in such systems such as accelerators, memory systems, storage architectures, interconnection networks at various levels, and heterogeneous systems;
  • Programming and execution models for high-performance computing, including new paradigms, languages, task creation and specification models, domain-specific language/programming support;
  • Static and dynamic compilation: optimization techniques to exploit all aspects of high performance architectures and auto-tuning techniques;
  • Runtime and system software support for high-performance computing, including task and resource management at chip-level, cluster-level, up to the level of large-scale academic/commercial computing service infrastructure, debugging, fault-tolerance, power/energy management, file systems, and performance evaluation/monitoring
  • New computational algorithms and their applications for high performance computing systems.
  • Workload characterization empirical studies especially those on new scientific and commercial applications that pose significant challenges, and studies of highly experimental real systems.
  • Data intensive high performance computing: system support, algorithm design and application development for high performance computing that deal with large-scale collected data sets.

The review process will include a rebuttal period, and the papers will be judged based on novelty, technical soundness, and potential impact on the field.

Important dates

Abstract submission: January 11, 2017
now January 18, 2017   AOE
Paper submission: January 18, 2017
now January 25, 2017   AOE
Workshop/Tutorial proposals: February 18, 2017 AOE
Workshop/Tutorial notification: March 1, 2017       AOE
Author rebuttal period: March 5-7, 2017   AOE
Author notification: March 21, 2017    AOE
Camera-ready papers due: April 15, 2017      AOE
now April 22, 2017 AOE
Main conference days: June 14-16, 2017

AOE (Anywhere on Earth) dates shown above mean the deadlines are at 11:59pm UTC -12:00 of the days. The above dates are tentative and subject to change. Consult the conference website for the most up-to-date scheduling information.


The submission site is at easychairUse the “sigconf” style in the ACM 2017 template. Extensive documentation can be found at the ACM site. Submissions should be a maximum of ten (10) pages, including references.
Submissions (both abstract and paper) should be prepared for double blind review, i.e., without author names, or other identifying material in the submission. Authors should refer to themselves in the 3rd person when citing their own work.
The submission system requests information about the authors. This information will not be given to the reviewers.